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How to run Javascript?

How to Run JavaScript?

JavaScript is a versatile programming language used for creating interactive web applications. In this blog post, we will explore different methods to run JavaScript code. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, understanding these techniques will be beneficial for your web development journey.

Method 1: Running JavaScript in a Browser Console

One of the simplest ways to run JavaScript is by using the built-in console in web browsers. Follow these steps:

  1. Open your web browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc.).
  2. Right-click on a webpage and select "Inspect" or press Ctrl + Shift + I (or Cmd + Option + I on Mac) to open the browser developer tools.
  3. Navigate to the "Console" tab.
  4. Type or paste your JavaScript code into the console.
  5. Press Enter to run the code, and the output (if any) will be displayed in the console.
// Example code
console.log('Hello, World!')

Method 2: HTML Script Tag

Another common method to run JavaScript is by embedding it within an HTML file using the <script> tag. Follow these steps:

  1. Create a new HTML file or open an existing one in a text editor.
  2. Add the following code snippet within the <body> tag or the <head> tag of your HTML file.
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Run JavaScript Example</title>
    <h1>Run JavaScript Example</h1>

      // Your JavaScript code goes here
      console.log('Hello, World!')
  1. Save the HTML file with a .html extension.
  2. Double-click the HTML file to open it in your default web browser.
  3. Open the browser's developer tools (if not already open) and navigate to the "Console" tab.
  4. The JavaScript code will be executed, and the output will be displayed in the console.

Method 3: External JavaScript File

For larger JavaScript codebases or better code organization, it's recommended to place your JavaScript code in an external file. Follow these steps:

  1. Create a new text file with a .js extension (e.g., script.js).
  2. Write your JavaScript code in this file.
// script.js
console.log('Hello, World!')
  1. Create an HTML file or open an existing one.
  2. Add the following <script> tag within the <body> tag or the <head> tag of your HTML file, referencing the external JavaScript file.
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Run JavaScript Example</title>
    <script src="script.js"></script>
    <h1>Run JavaScript Example</h1>
  1. Save both the HTML file and the JavaScript file in the same directory.
  2. Double-click the HTML file to open it in your web browser.
  3. Open the browser's developer tools and navigate to the "Console" tab.
  4. The JavaScript code from the external file will be executed, and the output will be displayed in the console.


In this blog post, we explored different methods to run JavaScript code. We learned how to run JavaScript in a browser console, embed it within an HTML file using the <script> tag, and organize code in an external JavaScript file. Each method has its own advantages and use cases, so choose the one that best suits your development needs. Happy coding!

I hope this blog post helps you understand how to run JavaScript effectively. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment below. Happy coding!